Monday, October 30, 2006

Back to Politics

Well its all over the news now isn't it, GLOBAL WARMING, RISING SEA LEVELS. We all have to act now. Well lets stike up a bit of contrversy and say i think rising sea levels caused by Human activity are a load of rubbish. Sea levels have been rising for thousands of year, beacause were still recovering from the last ice age! and some people are saying were ready to go into the next ice age-well that jus contradicts everything. Anyway if you don't believe me jus search polar ice cores into google and you'll get the evidence for rising sea levels. The earth maybe warming but its more naturally than manmade-the only bad thing that has happend was the depletion of the ozone layer but even that is now recovering and will be back to full strength within the next decade. It is something to worry about but the media give it too much hype.Another more annoying thing the press go on about is coastal erosion. The G2 newspaper (smaller more managable Gaurdian paper) said that Britain is getting smaller by the day, for the first time ever we need to protect our coasts now. Well the sea has been attacking britains coastline for millions of years and the coastline has been retreating for millions of years-you only have to look at the stacks down on the heritage coast in dorset for that. Or the medevil villages that are now under water along with the land they were sitting on.

HELP OUR VILLAGES ARE FALLING INTO THE SEA!-well dont build em there then! And the coastal defences will only have a detremental effect, down the coast on a another settlement. But the media fail to mention the sea has been coming in for a very long time, they want to sell papers people don't buy newspapers to be reassured they want to buy them to be sacred. People pay to be scared everywhere you go, horror films at the cinema, Ghost train at alton tower or any thrill ride. Its the same.

Well thats all for now folks


Anonymous said...

Hey Ash,
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I think what you wrote about global warming is great!! Interesting perspective. Look forward to reading more of what you've got to say in the future.

Take care!

James said...

Of course global warming is happening. And to think you did Geography at GCSE.

Sea levels may have been rising for years but I'm sorry to say I believe the scientists over you Ash (until you're fully qualified at least)! Just 'cause they've been rising before, doesn't mean we should turn it into a race! Who goes first: Dorset or Doncaster?! Although I can rather flippantly say, whichever goes first its our gain, the seas loss!

I do like your argument though; it's very English textbookish, in a good way of course - "people pay to be scared everywhere you go" - all I can say is you must lead a more exciting life than I!

I now back the Green Party fully - partly because they were green before it was the new black, and partly because a political spectrum test I did on the Internet said that my views were closest to those of the Green Party and the Dalai Lama - I can't argue with that! I think my next post's gonna be about my test results actually and I'll put a link to it so you can try it as well if you want - its very accurate.

Anyway I'm glad to see your keeping up with your blog, Ash. Even though I don't agree with your views on global warming, your blog is red hot! I'm sure I'll talk to you sometime soon - have fun!

A Girl From Texas said...

Political parties have to have an issue that effectively pulls the greatest mass of people together. And if that issue can cause people to fear, all the better. In our country, the Republicans are going to save us from terrorists and the Democrats are going to save the environment. The Republicans have a better track record when it comes to beating up the "bad guys" while the Dems have always done well preserving the environment.

James said...

I thought I'd come and comment as I've just been on the UK Independance Party website (I know what you're thinking, and you're right - I do need to do something constructive) and the poll on there agrees with you. 80% of the people who've voted think global warming is made up!

I despair! Thank cod, we're not in America where such people would get in power! Although it is the fourth largest party in Britain - but I doubt that you agree with their other policies.

I do agree with the Texas girl to some extent though; which is why democracy doesn't work. We need responsible anarchy!

Unknown said...

dude, get onto the american al gore fans and start telling them this- very amusing indeed. single minded conditioning all the way!

its only the nature of modern society that needs to change, ok the building fell down....if mud huts aint your thing then rebuild it over there. it will be fine for a while